About the Founder

Hi I’m Janaya the Owner/Creater of Digital Day Jobs and I’m Super Excited You’re Here!!

I created Digital Day Jobs as a platform to share various marketing and affiliate opportunities online. I live in Australia with my Husband Cam and our kids and I currently work full time in the Health Industry.  Working full time leaves me tired and often angry that I spend so much of my time away from my family. I spend more time at work then I do at home and work is taking up more of my life and leaving me with little free time, so I have decided to Take My Time Back.

I have been diagnosed with chronic health issues that make working full time exhausting and leaves me feeling guilty for taking sick days. So I created an online business to prove to myself that I can create income online and create more time to spend doing the things I LOVE.

Working online is not a SCAM and has the potential to change your life if you are willing to put in the work.

Digital Day Jobs can teach you how to make money online by teaching you how to access different forms of online income to help you create more balance in your life.

If you are sick of putting your job before your own health and wellness then there is no better time to start an online business.

Feel free to reach out to me so we can find an online business solution that works for you.